2023 SOTU Response

2023 SOTU Response

You have the chance to decide right here and now the direction our nation will take for the next two years or more– Crazy or Normal?

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders go it right, but now we need to make sure Washington heeds her advice, and the only way that happens, is when liberty-loving Americans like you, put an end to the government controlling our lives and turning us into slaves who pay for the left’s ideological war.

Our nation has been hijacked by the radical left and whether it be the actions of AOC’s Squad throwing a tantrum on the floor of the U.S. House or Joe Biden using Executive Orders to violate our Constitutional Rights, the dividing line between normal and crazy has gotten wider.

We must stop them!

Help us bring some sanity to Washington. Chip in $25, $50 or $100 and let’s make sure Washington knows they work for us, not the other way around.

We’re only a matter of weeks away before Biden, Schumer and McCarthy announce a budget deal.

Should we be spending money expanding Green New Deal policies, Planned Parenthood abortion, expanding the size of the IRS, funding the war in Ukraine, or promoting gender transition surgeries in the miliary and in preschools?

Well, if the left has their way, that’s what we’ll continue doing.

In reality, we need to shrink the size of the federal government, secure our borders and give more resources to local law enforcement so they can put an end to the Biden Crime Crisis spreading nationwide.

Washington doesn’t see it that clearly, which is why we need your help to redouble our efforts and reverse the course for our nation.

Will you join our efforts to punish the politicians who keep spending recklessly and racking up debt on behalf of the American people?

Biden and Congress aren’t cutting anything. They’re going to use YOUR money to spend more.

They’ve got code words like “paid for,” debt ceiling, pork projects, pet projects, earmarks and entitlements to name a few ways they do it, and they don’t care how much MORE you’ll have to work to pay their bills.

In the end, it’s all just saddling debt on the back of taxpayers and future generations of Americans, and it ONLY gets paid from YOUR willingness to work hard.

Their actions closely resemble the reasons our Founding Fathers decided to cut their ties to the British Crown in 1776.

Join our efforts today and help us restore common sense in our government.

Again, your actions will be the only deciding factor between crazy and normal.


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

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