24 Hour Fitness says BLM, Pride flags are approved ‘symbols of expression’ but American flags are only for designated holidays

The list also contains “Flag or United States logo,” with the restriction that they should only be used on “holidays such as Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, Veteran’s Day, Patriots Day, etc.”

An internal memo recently leaked from the chain of national gyms 24 Hour Fitness has revealed that employees were instructed that they could wear clothes with Pride and Black Lives Matter logos without restrictions, while those that display the American flag were only allowed to be worn on holiday occasions like the Fourth of July.

“We’ve committed to creating a more inclusive environment at 24 Hour Fitness, recognizing that we have work to do to become stronger allies in support of those who are impacted by systemic oppression and inequality,” the internal memo, which was obtained through Latinos United for Conservative Action Texas Director Carlos Turcios, stated.

The memo, which was issued in May 20, 2023, informed employees that, in addition to the branded clothes supplied by the company, “team members may also wear the clothing that are permitted in our dress codes (e.g. clothing masks, outer wear, etc.) to display their support and solidarity and embody our common humanity and further support our shared desire for equality for everyone.

The list that included “currently approved movements” included Black Lives Matter/BLM Pride as well as other Pride rainbow merchandise that are both free of limitations on when they can be worn, and also the Juneteenth sign on June 19.

The list also contains “Flag or United States logo,” with the restriction that they should only be used on “holidays such as Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, Veteran’s Day, Patriots Day, etc.”

“If other occasions come up where team members would like the opportunity for personal expression, please consult with your GM and/or line manager,” the memo said.

A different memo from October 2022 that was also uncovered by Turcios, said that gym members with trans identities have the right to utilize “the restroom and locker room that they feel is most appropriate for them,” and informed employees that they are not allowed to request identification for them to “make a gender determination.”

If a member makes complaints about this policy, staff are urged to “acknowledge that you have heard and understand the members’s concerns. You can show them our policy and explain that to ensure equal access to all members, we allow each member to determine which locker room is most appropriate for themselves.”

The staff were also instructed to direct any gym members who are concerned to the gender-neutral bathroom “if the concerned member prefers greater privacy.”

The news of the memo follows the fitness company Planet Fitness received pushback for the same transgender locker room policy. Planet Fitness banned a woman from their gym after she revealed that she was a male biological shaving in the locker room for women. The gym was then sacked by $400 million in value.

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