Biden’s latest victim is 13 years old

A brutal rape and murder by an illegal immigrant.

The heinous rape of a 13-year girl by an illegal immigrant.

And that’s just this week.

Thanks to Biden’s blanket amnesty, we’re going to see more and more of these brutal attacks by those here illegally.

And that doesn’t even factor in the Islamic terrorists that have snuck into this country thanks to Biden’s wide-open border policy!

Even if Trump wins, he doesn’t take over until next year. And that’s too long to wait to undo Biden’s mess.

Congress must act now to secure our border and stop the illegal immigrant crime wave.

Demand Congress secures our border now! We can’t wait a day longer.

Secure the Border Now

How many 13-year-olds getting raped is it going to take before you decide to take action?

How many young mothers have to be murdered before you speak up?

How many more ISIS terrorists crossing our Southern Border will it take before you demand Congress seal our border and build that wall?

Join us in demanding the end of Biden’s amnesty and deportation of those here illegally.

This is a life-or-death decision. We can’t let this go on any longer. Speak up and demand action today.

Secure the Border Now

Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

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