I’ll hand it to most Democrats… they at least condemned the attempted assassination of Donald Trump before they went back to their old ways of denigrating him.
But not Squad Member Rashida Tlaib.
No tweet. No press release. Crickets.
She had no problem condemning Israel that same day in their fight against Hamas. But no condemnation of the assassination attempt against Trump.
No call against political violence against each other.
There’s only reason for Rashida’s silence and it’s why she must go! Demand her removal from Congress by kicking in your support today.
This is the same woman who once lead a BLM rally in Michigan. Her hated and vile anti-American views have no place in Congress.
Tlaib was sworn into office on a Quran and her first act in office was to celebrate the “Palestinian in me.” Then she stated the following in reference to President Trump: “We’re gonna impeach the motherf****r!”
Even AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Pramila Jayapal had the decency to condemn the assassination attempt against Trump.
But not Rashida.
Instead, she pals around with terrorists, supports the destruction of Israel, and proudly champions her defund the police agenda.
We cannot allow a Member of Congress like Tlaib to perpetuate such hate and violence while also advocating for the destruction of the U.S.
Because the next shooter spurned on by the hatred of Tlaib may not miss.
That’s why Tlaib must go! But it won’t only happen if you make your voice heard.