Why do you tolerate them in Congress?

One year ago, Hamas committed the violent October 7th massacre — death and carnage not seen since the Holocaust.

Yet after everything we’ve learned about the brutal attacks on that day, the Left cheers on the protestors who praise the terrorists who brutally murdered men and women while ripping unborn babies from the mother’s womb.

Worse, the loudest of these pro-terror voices are in Congress!

The Squad condemns Israel for defending their homeland while celebrating the terrorists who still hold over 100 Israeli hostages to this day. While Kamala merely provides lip service to Israel and will quickly change her tone if she wins in November.

It’s time we show them that America stands with Israel, not Iran or its terror proxies.

If you agree Congress is no place for those who call for Israel’s destruction, then kick in your support today.

How many “mostly peaceful” protests are you going to tolerate that violently spew anti-semitic hate and pro-terror rhetoric?

How many more Squad members calling for Israel to be wiped off the map will it take for you to take action?

Are you truly going to risk letting one of the most anti-Israel presidential candidates win in November?

Or are you going to help us stop Kamala and her fake support for Israel this November?

We’ve got plans to defeat some of the most radical, anti-Israel, America-last leftists in Washington.

All we’re lacking is the funds to make that happen.

That’s where you come in… Kick in a swift contribution today!

Your support at any level is what we need to make a difference in the fight to save our republic and our allies in Israel.

Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

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