You saw it first-hand at President Trump’s speech to Congress.
The left is unhinged and prefers to behave like a bunch of middle school students with a grudge.
They haven’t learned a thing from their 2024 loss.
They are still suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and even worse, they’re more emboldened than ever to force their socialist agenda upon the American people.
Maybe they don’t like you because you’re not from an “oppressed” minority?
Or is it because you cling to your guns and religion?
Could they hate you because you want to parent your child and not let the government indoctrinate them?
Or are you just trying to ensure your family and your nation are safe?
As President Trump said, “[t]here is nothing I could say to make the Democrats happy. Nothing.”
It was even worse than when Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump’s 2020 SOTU Address.
They have no intentions of giving Trump any credit for saving America in just 6 weeks, but these people wouldn’t even applaud a child who has endured 13 surgeries as a result of cancer.
While you were probably as euphoric as we were to hear America’s accomplishments, we still have plenty of work to tackle.
Unfortunately, President Trump’s Executive Orders are not permanent so that means we need to keep the pressure on Congress to pass laws that make them so.
We saw how much they transformed this great nation in four years.
You saw how Americans suffered.
If we want to make America’s Golden Era a reality, then help us ensure the left never gains an inch.