Airline group urges pilots to eliminate terms like ‘cockpit,’ ‘manpower’

The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) the world’s largest airline pilot union has asked pilots to eliminate phrases such as “cockpit” and adopt gender-inclusive words for their profession.

This call for action forms part an overall initiative that aims to create an inclusive and welcoming environment to women, and LGBTQ people in the aviation sector.

ALPA which is a union of over 70,000 pilots across the globe and has suggested that the terms “cockpit” and “cockpit” be replaced with more inclusive options. The word “has been and may be used in a derogatory way to exclude women in the piloting profession,” the guide says.

“Many women have heard a variation of ‘It is called a cockpit for a reason’ by a male pilot, suggesting that women do not belong in the piloting profession,” the book states.

The suggestion is based on the union’s diversity and integration (DEI) Language guide. The guide includes a list of various words and phrases to stay clear of especially those that could be thought of as “masculine generalizations.”

One of the most important suggestions in the manual is to replace “manpower” with “people power” or “human power.” For instance instead of asking “Who will provide the manpower to support this event?” the guide suggests asking, “Who will provide the people power to support this event?”

The guide also cautions against using gender-specific terms such as “guys” when addressing groups. ALPA states that these terms do not cover transgender women, transgender persons as well as people with various gender identities.

Additionally, the guide advises against using terms such as “mother” and “father,” that could cause discord among different family structures, such as grandparents as caregivers, and also parents who are identical to each other. Instead, a more inclusive vocabulary should be used to reflect different family dynamics.

“Inclusive language in communications is essential to our union’s solidarity and collective strength and is an important factor in maintaining flight safety,” the guide says. “The purpose of this language guide is to offer examples of terms and phrases that promote inclusion and equity.”

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