[ALERT] Rashida Tlaib caught with Terrorists

If you’re Donald Trump, you get impeached for making a phone call.

If you’re Marjorie Taylor Greene, you get censured for social media posts made before you even get to Congress!

But if you’re Rashida Tlaib, you get to pal around with known terrorists while calling for the destruction of Israel… and NOTHING happens to you!

If you’re like me, I’m sick of this terrorist sympathizer getting a free pass for her actions.

It’s time to remove Rashida Tlaib from office. Do you agree with me?

Good. But the bad news is it won’t happen unless you tell Washington just how you feel about Hamas apologist Rashida Tlaib!

Make your demand today!


No one in Congress should blatantly support genocide, yet Tlaib gets hugs and consolations for spouting it while lying about the actions of the baby killers and rapists she’s been supporting.

Antisemitism is on the rise in America after the Hamas attacks in Israel on October 7th. There was even a car that tried to run down Jewish students this week!

Now pro-Hamas college groups have called for an intifada in American cities.

This is why we cannot allow a Member of Congress like Tlaib to perpetuate such hate and violence while also advocating for the destruction of the U.S.

Tlaib must go! But it won’t only happen if you make your voice heard.

Put an end to Tlaib’s hate by standing with us today!


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