Biden wants to send money to Hamas!

Now that the Speaker’s race is over, it’s time for Congress to get back to business.

First up, we need to assist America’s ally Israel, without being forced to send billions more to Ukraine.

When Israel fights Hamas and Hezbollah, they’re fighting Iran. And that’s keeping America safe as well!

It’s time to demand a clean bill to support Israel.

No Ukraine! No Pork! No Reneging by Biden!

If you agree, then show your support by chipping in $25, $50, or $100 today.

The current Ukraine/ Israel package is laughable. Out of the $106 billion being proposed… only $14 billion would go to Israel.

$60 billion would in fact go to Ukraine. Makes sense… Hunter and his uncles didn’t make any money from Israel!

Even worse, $10 billion is slated to go to “humanitarian aid” that includes Gaza. And we’ve seen what Hamas has done with that aid… it’s only to help their military that killed and kidnapped Americans instead of feeding their citizens!

Yes, the U.S. should support Israel.

But no more billions wasted in Ukraine.

No more billions spent on pork.

And no more support of ANY KIND to Hamas!

Show Washington that you want aid to Israel ONLY by donating today!

Please hurry.

Now that a new Speaker has been elected, and he supports Israel, we can get this done. He’s made it his top priority.

Congress is expected to vote on this aid bill any day now and we don’t need swamp monsters or Mitch McConnel sinking it.


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