Biden’s backdoor gun registry

It’s barely 2023 and already Brandon is trying to take away your 2nd Amendment rights!

Brandon just had his ATF bypass Congress’ authority to make laws and they implemented new rules that effectively create a backdoor gun registry!

In about 6 months, you’ll either need to remove that pistol brace off your gun or pay Uncle Sam $200 on each firearm for the privilege of using one even if the government has illegally imposed this fine on law-abiding citizens.

Watch the latest video from Congress:

Grandpa Joe doesn’t care about your Constitutional Rights, one bit! In fact, he thinks you’re the next mass murderer just because you use a pistol brace.

And that’s why we must take action immediately to fight his dangerous gun grab before it’s too late.

Show Brandon that you refuse to let him trample on your gun rights! Chip in $25, $50, or $100 today to help us fight back!

I’ve never seen a President treat the 2nd Amendment with such disregard. The ATF has already been caught going to gun shops and taking pictures of records for gun buyers.

The Biden Administration’s attacks on law-abiding gun owners are getting more brazen by the day. Now they’re creating new rules out of thin air in order to know who in this country owns a gun.

The Congressional Research Service estimates 40 Million Americans could be impacted!

If you don’t step up now, we could be just months away from total gun confiscation. The consequences are grave!

That’s why you need to stand up and demand that your 2A rights WILL NOT be infringed! Show Brandon you mean business by chipping in $50, $100, or $500 today!

We can’t let Grandpa Joe get away with shredding the Constitution to appease his radical leftist allies!

Biden can’t just make up laws out of thin air. Congress makes the laws, and no law could erase our gun rights or force us into an unconstitutional gun registry!

But you can’t sit this fight out and hope the GOP Members of Congress will be able to stop it without your support. We all need to stand up together and pressure Congress and Brandon to end this unconstitutional overreach before it’s too late. Donate today!


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

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