Deadline: May 13, 2024

Remember this guy? The Squad member who pulled the fire alarm to stop a vote from happening in Congress?

Well, it’s Jamaal Bowman… and he’s also an anti-Israel activist who regularly accuses Israel of “genocide” and even called Hamas’ sexual attacks against women and children “a lie.”

Make no mistake, he’s a proven danger to Israel, the Jewish people, and the citizens of the United States.

Ordinarily, leftists like Bowman’s friends, AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar are rarely punished for their rhetoric because they live in super-blue districts, but Bowman is not as lucky.

He lives in a district where close to 1/3rd of the voters are Jewish, and once they learn about Bowman’s blatant antisemitism and pro-Hamas stances, he will lose his election.

But we can’t make it happen without you.

Will you support our efforts to make Bowman even MORE VULNERABLE and cause him to lose in November? Your donation of $19.48 could make the difference!

I can think of no better way of honoring Israel than defeating a Congressman so dedicated to the Holy Land’s destruction!


To succeed, we need to raise $78,289.38 by May 13th to pay for our outreach program to Jewish and pro-Israel voters in his district. We will show them the truth about their antisemitic congressmen.

We can’t let this rare opportunity to topple a Squad member like Bowman go to waste!

This is a man who says anyone who supports Israel is complicit in “genocide.”

This is a man who calls what happened on October 7th “a myth.”

This is a man who, while a high school principal, proudly hung a poster of a cop killer on his school’s “Wall of Honor.”

Is this who you think should hold the title of United States Representative?

I didn’t think so.

So help us kick Bowman out with your donation of $19.48 so we can tip the scales of the election in his district.

Don’t delay. Rush your $19.48 donation today!

If you care about Israel and the fate of our nation, you need to get involved.

God Bless America and our friends in Israel


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

Contributions to Protect American Values PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes and will be used in connection with federal elections. Contributions from federal contractors, national banks, and foreign nationals or entities are prohibited. Use of the and likeness of any candidate, officeholder, or other individual is for the purpose of this PAC’s political communication only and IN NO WAY indicates any authorization by, affiliation with, direction from, or endorsement by that person of any kind.  Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle.

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