Don’t Let History Repeat itself 

They’re coming after me. And they’re coming after you.

The Department of Homeland Security was exposed for developing a “risk score” for social media users.

They claim it’s for jihadists and foreign influencers. But dig deep and you’ll see it’s to track anyone on the Deep State’s enemies list.

Pro-Life supporters. 2nd Amendment defenders. MAGA activists.

Anyone who dares speak out against Biden’s government or the Squad’s socialist programs will get flagged and identified as a potential domestic terrorist.

Are you going to let Biden and the Squad label you a Domestic terrorist so you can’t stand in their way? Then help us fight back by chipping in $25, $50, or $100 today.

This is the latest in Biden’s attempt to weaponize the government against conservatives like you and me.

  • Having the FBI treat parents like domestic terrorists
  • Adding 87,000 IRS agents to target conservatives.
  • Sending undercover FBI agents to infiltrate conservative Catholic churches.
  • Arresting and Prosecuting Pro-Life protestors.
  • Raiding President Trump’s personal home.
  • Standing by idly as Big Tech censors our online activity.

Brandon and the Left are turning this country into a Big-Brother dictatorship spying on anyone who dares speak out against them.

Are you ready to say enough? Then stand with us by donating $50, $100, or $250 today.

You saw what they did when they controlled Congress.

Now they have the Oval Office and they’re doubling double.

It’s not just about adults like you and me, but we stand in their way.

They’re going after the most vulnerable of us all—our children—and the more they see us protecting our young, the more they will work to get rid of us.

The history books are mired in thousands of pages from hundreds of years detailing how government leaders removed their opponents, but it can only happen if you remain silent.

That’s why you can’t let history repeat itself.

Every minute you choose to sit on the sidelines will only serve to embolden Biden’s weaponization of our government against law-abiding citizens for simply opposing their dangerous political agenda.

If you think they won’t come for you, then only you be surprised. Take a stand for liberty TODAY!


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

Contributions to Protect American Values PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes and will be used in connection with federal elections. Contributions from federal contractors, national banks, and foreign nationals or entities are prohibited. Use of the and likeness of any candidate, officeholder, or other individual is for the purpose of this PAC’s political communication only and IN NO WAY indicates any authorization by, affiliation with, direction from, or endorsement by that person of any kind.  Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle.

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