Force Washington to release the Evidence

They’re hiding the evidence!

The FBI just refused a Congressional Subpoena to hand over a document that details criminal allegations of a pay-to-play scheme related to the Biden family’s business dealings… while Brandon was Vice-President!

Don’t let the FBI cover up Brandon’s criminal activity.

Show Washington that you demand action by chipping in $25, $50, or $100 today and help expose Biden’s corruption!

This could be the smoking gun that finally nails the coffin on Hunter and the Big Guy’s illegal schemes.

But the Deep State is doing all the can to hide the evidence.

The fate of our country lies in these documents that the FBI is refusing to hand over.

Will you stand for the FBI’s stonewalling or are you ready to join us in demanding a full account of Biden’s criminal activities? Show the Deep State that you mean business with your $50, $100, or $250 donation today.

The evidence to finally impeach and remove Brandon is locked away at FBI headquarters. We’re so close to knowing the truth and putting an end to Biden’s criminal enterprise once and for all!

Help us expose the truth and demand the FBI hand over ALL of the evidence they have on Hunter, Brandon, and all of Biden’s criminal conspirators. Make your donation today!


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

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