Hope you didn’t like one of Trump’s tweets 

If you liked just 1 of President Trump’s Tweets, the DOJ now has your information.

Let me repeat – everyone who liked, followed, or retweeted Donald Trump is now on an “enemies list” held by the DOJ.

They aren’t even hiding their authoritarian weaponization of the government anymore.

And that should scare you to death!

If you don’t want this country to turn completely into a Leftist dictatorship, then show your support today and help us fight back!

First, it was the FBI harassing abortion protestors.

Then, it was the FBI caught surveilling conservative Catholics.

Biden even has Trump’s own residence searched by the FBI!

And now each and every one of you who dared like a tweet made by President Trump, you’re on their list!

Are you going to stand for this? Or have you had enough? It’s time to voice your outrage to Washington over these Orwellian tactics done by the Biden Admin.

If you don’t help us fight back and stop these jackboot-thug tactics, it’s only a matter of time before Biden’s Goon Squad gets even bolder.

Gun confiscation, speech codes, or something even more sinister could be wrought on conservatives like you and me.

That’s why the time to act is now! Don’t let Biden’s thugs get away with this. Make your voice heard today!


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

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