An illegal alien, who is accused of having caused St. Johns County, Florida sheriff’s office Sgt. Michael Kunovich’s fatal accident, has filed an federal civil rights suit in which he claims his lack of English-language proficiency render him disabled.
As Breitbart News reported, 19-year-old illegal immigrant Virgilio Aguilar-Mendez, 19, from Guatemala was detained in the month of May 2023. He was accused of resisting a police officer through violence and manslaughter as a result of his involvement to Kunovich’s murder.
This week, the Aguilar-Mendez defense lawyers have filed an unconstitutional civil rights lawsuit against Kunovich’s estate and Lt. Jose Jimenez, who also reacted to the incident, as did St. Johns County, asserting that their client has a disability because the language he speaks is not English and Spanish and thus was excluded from legal rights under “Americans with Disabilities Act” as well as the “Rehabilitation Act.”
Aguilar Mendez’s mother tongue is Mam and not Spanish or English According to the court filing. His limited comprehension of English or Spanish is a handicap, and He was not allowed to have an interpreter on the scene as well as at the Sheriff’s Office to allow him to comprehend his Miranda rights prior to Jimenez’s interrogation of him. [Emphasis added]
The lawsuit doesn’t state that Jimenez interviewed the defendant in Spanish as mentioned in documents of arrest and the complaint states Mam “translation into other languages, such as Spanish or English, can take on a different structure.” (Emphasis added)
The lawyers for Aguilar-Mendez have claimed that the victim is the police’s brutality and racism at the at the hands of Kunovich.
“Mr. Virgilio was victimized by brutality from police. He was the victim of profiling based on race,” his attorney said. “He was an innocent victim of violations rights under the Fourth, Fifth and sixth Amendment constitutional rights. The people accountable for this violation will be accountable.”
According to the police report the day of the incident was May 19th. Kunovich was able to lawfully beat down Aguilar-Mendez as he was in the business that was closed. Aguilar-Mendez refused to comply and fleeing, attempted to escape Kunovich.
As other officers stepped in Aguilar-Mendez remained in the fight. Then, Kunovich landed down in fight with Aguilar Mendez who tried to take the officer’s taser from his body. The fight lasted over six hours.
Afterward, Aguilar Mendez was handcuffed however, he pulled out a pocketknife that was quickly removed from the man. After the fight with Aguilar-Mendez Kunovich collapsed to the floor. The first responders performed lifesaving measures and he was declared dead upon being taken to an area hospital.
Aguilar-Mendez, an illegal alien from Guatemala. He crossed the border between Mexico and America in 2023. He was then admitted into America. United States. According to his lawyer, Aguilar-Mendez was working on a farm and was sending cash back to Guatemala.