Biden’s administration has reopened the HHS mandate wars in an act of political malice, according to one expert.
The Biden administration has proposed a formal regulation to remove the right of organizations to refuse compliance with the HHS mandate if they have moral objections to sterilization, contraceptives, and abortion.
It’s normal to feel a sense de déjà vu. There has been extensive litigation against the HHS mandate and faith-based employers have won victories after victory. The Biden administration is now pursuing non-religious employers that have a “moral”, but not necessarily religious, objection.
First, a primer:
The HHS mandate is the term used to describe the Obamacare requirement that employers pay for contraceptives and abortions in their health insurance plans.
Obamacare’s text is very vague on the subject. Instead, the law gave broad authority to the Department of Health & Human Services to make regulations in order to achieve the intended purpose of the bill.
In 2013, the Obama administration implemented the HHS mandate for the first time. The original exemption included religious organizations. However, the exemption was so narrow that some churches could not qualify.
Multiple Supreme Court cases, including the Hobby Lobby victory and Little Sisters of the Poor victory, have ruled that faith-based businesses and organizations who object to the HHS mandate for religious reasons are exempt. They are now exempt from the HHS mandate after the Trump administration issued a rule to protect them.
Biden’s proposal would repeal the Trump rule and require non-religious employers to comply with it with a moral objection.
The Biden administration stated that about 100 employers, which cover less than 0.1% the workforce, would have to comply. The March for Life is a national pro-life group that has moral objections to HHS’s mandate. It was previously sued the Obama administration and won in a lower Court before the Trump rule.
CatholicVote spoke to Roger Severino who was a senior official at HHS under the Trump administration and was involved in the Trump-era rule. Severino believes that the Biden proposal was vindictive, and it is malicious.
He says, “It’s all political.” They must answer to their pro-abortion base. They could not stomach the fact they lost this issue at every stage of the Supreme Court. Now they want to show they are resisting in the wake the Dobbs ruling,” which overturned Roe V. Wade.
Severino claims that the Biden administration’s claim to have solved a real problem is disingenuous.
He points out that “there hasn’t been any shortage of contraceptives available for anyone who wants them.” This is a political stunt that aims to send a message about the sexual revolution to institutions that have moral objections.
He claims that the proposed rule would not only be detrimental to the affected employers but also for the nation as a whole.
“The Catholic Church was the most prominent institution that promoted the moral, not religious, exemptions…because it’s more than a religious argument. He explains that it is natural law and human rights.
“It would be a huge loss for society if the two were separated and said, Only your unscientific. irational, or superstitious religious beliefs receive any protection because that is the only reason why you would have such a largeoted view of the questions.’ Severino states.
CatholicVote supporters can help to stop the Biden rule, or at least slow it down.
Federal law requires that the administration accept public comments on the rule proposal until April 3. These comments are recorded in the record, and the Biden administration must respond to them. It will take longer for them to implement the rule changes if they receive more comments.
“The next presidential elections are not far away and the longer that we can drag it out, the better we have at stopping them altogether,” Tom McClusky (CatholicVote director of government affairs) says. “If we can drag this process into the next administration it could be stopped from being enforced by a new prolife president.”
There is one catch.
“If multiple comments have identical content, the administration may treat them as one,” Severino states. It will take longer if there are more unique comments.
CatholicVote offers a quick way for people to make an official comment. CatholicVote’s Quorum Action Center connects directly with the federal comment system, making it simple for Catholics and others to take action.
After you have provided your address and name, Quorum will allow you to post your comment. CatholicVote encourages supporters to submit comments as-is. However, there is a prewritten comment that can be submitted by supporters.
CatholicVote President Brian Burch stated that Catholics have been leading the Obamacare fight for over a decade. “We will keep going until every front is won.”
Source: https://www.lifenews.com/2023/03/22/joe-biden-wants-to-force-christians-to-fund-abortions/