This was only one battle.

Thanks to our efforts, the House impeached Mayorkas.

It was historic.

It was a big win.

But it’s only the first step.

Now the real work begins for TRUE border security. Join the fight today.

We don’t have time to celebrate Mayorkas’ impeachment when the Southern Invasion still rages on.

Because removing Mayorkas won’t build that wall.

Removing Mayorkas won’t stop the millions from invading the Southern Border.

Removing Mayorkas won’t stop terrorists from sneaking into our country or from putting fentanyl in our communities.

There’s only ONE solution. BUILD THAT WALL!

Step up and use the momentum from the Mayorkas impeachment to demand TRUE border security.

I’m counting on you to continue the fight.

Will you fight to Protect America today?


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

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© 2025 - Protect American Values