Protect our Kids & our 2A Rights

As the unfortunate school shooting in Nashville was being publicized, Joe Biden and the Democrats were calling for gun bans faster than police could produce details.

Police didn’t even know the legality of firearms in use but that didn’t matter.

Biden and the left want the narrative to be: Guns must be banned!

Our school children continue to become targets because America’s schools are going unguarded. They are not protected.

Children are now political pawns as the Democrats want Americans victimized no matter the cost.

Will you help us protect both our children and our Second Amendment Rights?

Congress needs to spend more time protecting the children in the United States than the children in the Ukraine.

It’s time we make our children more valuable than the politicians who walk around with armed security details.

These politicians want to take guns away from law-abiding citizens even when most gun violence in America is committed with a gun that was obtained illegally.

Why not just support our police and punish the criminals?

Donate $25, $50, or $100 TODAY and help us stand up to the gun grabbers in Washington.

Biden has been slow walking his gun control laws into our lives as he ignores the rising crime rate and demands Congress defunds our police.

He was even silent when Antifa was burning up the city of Atlanta earlier this year and attempting to kill cops in that city.

And let’s not forget the blind eye he’s turned to the Soros-funded prosecutors who fail to uphold the laws and punish these violent offenders. Biden would just prefer to use his ban to trample on our Constitutional Rights and circumvent the powers of Congress with his Executive Orders by making laws without authority.

Executive Order 13962–Preventing and Combating Gun Violence
Executive Order 13964— Review of the Department of Justice’s Use of Firearms Trafficking Statutes
Executive Order 13966–Community Violence Intervention
Executive Order 14022–Reducing Gun Violence

Biden is looking for ways to make it easier to accuse you of a mental health disorder so government agents can seize your guns while he turns over 10 million Americans into criminals overnight for failing to register guns utilizing pistol braces.

He is not looking to hire police officers to remove criminals from our communities.

He is not seeking to increase penalties on criminals.

He is seeking to ban all guns for law-abiding citizens so we can be victimized by the criminals he is ignoring.

Will you help us fight back against these unconstitutional gun grabs and make our nation safe?

It’s clear Biden and his allies will continue to ignore the phrase “shall not be infringed,” but if you help us stand up to their tyranny, they will learn why the Founding Fathers knew this phrase would be essential to keeping our nation free.


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

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