[REPORT] Illegals voting in swing states! 

You probably saw the news that Trump is taking the lead in key swing states and got really excited.

Well, the Left isn’t giving up that easily, and they’re playing dirty to ensure Kamala and other progressives win in November.

Illegals and non-citizens are being registered to vote in key swing states like Pennsylvania and Arizona, yet the Democrats in Congress are blocking attempts to pass a national ban on non-citizens voting in our elections.

Kick in your support today and show Congress that you oppose illegals voting in our Elections.


Democrats know they can’t win in a fair fight and they’re doing everything they can to tip the scales in their favor.

If we don’t stop them in November, you can be assured that Kamala is likely to grant mass amnesty and even citizenship for the 11 million illegal aliens already here in this country.

That’s why YOU MUST MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD and tell Congress to pass the SAVE Act before we have non-citizens voting in our elections!

Make your voice heard today and SAVE our Election!

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