She’s Changed the Rules

The veneer of the shiny, sparkling Kamala Harris that the Lamestream Media has worked so hard on is beginning to show signs of cracking.

Kamala’s team is scrambling to change the rules of the debate, because they know she’s all fluff and no substance.

If it were up to Kamala, she’d just speak at rallies and fluff interviews while the Lamestream Media will keep propping her up as this moderate savior of our country.

But now that she has to actually debate Trump, her team is doing all they can to prevent Kamala from performing worse than Biden’s debacle earlier this year.

That’s why it’s vital you help us expose the TRUE leftist that Kamala is by kicking in your support today. We can’t let them succeed in stopping the truth from leaking out!

There’s a reason Kamala finished dead last in the Democrat Primary in 2020. They know she’s too liberal for America.

She wants to install Soviet-style price controls.

She wants to keep our borders wide open.

And she wants to expand government spending like enacting socialized medicine!

But the media is now working overtime to show that Kamala is one of us… that she’s not too liberal… she’s just straight down the middle.


Sadly though, no matter how bad the media lies… if you don’t join us in exposing Kamala’s true record, that’s what swing voters will believe when they deliver a November victory for the Democrats.

It falls on you to help us show the TRUE Kamala to voters in these key swing states. Will you kick in $50 or whatever you can afford today?

We’re counting on you to help us show voters in key swing states the TRUE Kamala. Join our team today!

Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

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