Stop the Trump Impeachment Manager

Our worst fears are being realized.

Sleazeball Adam Schiff is leading in the latest poll in his race to get a promotion—a seat in the U.S. Senate.

The same man who did all he could to destroy President Trump will be in the U.S. Senator!

Are you willing to let that happen?

If you think this scum of the earth made Trump’s life hell in the House, just imagine the damage he could do in the Senate attempting to repeal the filibuster or getting progressive judges appointed.

Don’t let that happen! Defeat this dirty rotten scoundrel TODAY!

You think leading the Trump impeachment was bad? Get revenge.

Schiff wasn’t afraid to manufacture evidence against Trump.

You can bet on it that Schiff will spend every moment trying to sink Trump and promote every liberal lie imaginable.

Unless you step up now and defeat Schiff with an urgent contribution of $25, $50, or even $100, Chuck Schumer will gain a strong, progressive ally who will work hard to prevent our nation from recovering from the damage of these last 4 years.

This is your best chance for revenge against a man who was happy to destroy your life and our country to advance himself politically and stay in front of the cameras no matter how big the lie.

Don’t let Sleazebag Adam Schiff have a platform to wreak havoc on Trump and the GOP. You must join our efforts to defeat him before it’s too late.

Just remember why the left is working overtime to get him elected, and then imagine what Schiff can do in the Senate!

Then make a donation of any amount today!


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

Contributions to Protect American Values PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes and will be used in connection with federal elections. Contributions from federal contractors, national banks, and foreign nationals or entities are prohibited. Use of the and likeness of any candidate, officeholder, or other individual is for the purpose of this PAC’s political communication only and IN NO WAY indicates any authorization by, affiliation with, direction from, or endorsement by that person of any kind.  Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle.

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