Stop everything you’re doing and join us in the fight of your life to protect the Second Amendment.
Biden, Schumer, and their gun-grabbing allies are taking the steps to pass the GOSAFE ACT as another ruse in their efforts to strip the Constitution of our beloved Second Amendment.

This so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” will prevent the guns you enjoy from being sold or manufactured.
Quite simply, their goal is to ban any gun with a detachable magazine. Not just rifles, handguns too!
Don’t for a second think Schumer is done trying to take your guns! As Congress gets ready for an extended Christmas break, there is a lot of horse trading that occurs and sometimes they sneak votes like this one in during the middle of the night… or they find a way to sneak them in after they return.
But one thing is certain, the Dems are working overtime on this issue between now and next November, and if they succeed, be ready to have any semi-automatic weapon you own confiscated right out of your gun safe.
If you value your 2nd Amendment rights, then you must join with us and redouble our efforts to stop this legislation now.
You can’t wait and hope that the results of the election next year will keep this bill from passing.

Schumer and his Leftist allies know the clock is ticking on their reign and they plan to get it done before they lose control of the Senate!
You must take action now. Get. Involved. TODAY!
If you fail to make your voice heard, you might as well get your guns out and turn them over to the government because that’s where they’ll be going.
This is just the next stab from the gun-grabbing crowd to strip you of ALL OF YOUR RIGHTS.
Biden’s already got his Goon Squad targeting his conservative opponents. Just imagine how far they will go in shredding your Constitutional rights when they have your guns.
So, if you value defending your family from criminals, Donate today.
If you value owning as many guns as you damn well please, Donate today.
If you value the 2nd Amendment as THE KEY to protecting the rest of our Constitutional rights, guess what? Yup! Donate today.
Don’t delay one minute.
Every gun owner is counting on you. Every Freedom-loving American living and through the next generation is counting on you.
Show your support for the 2A and join us in stopping Schumer’s “assault weapons” ban today!