Tucker Carlson Releases Video: Hints at Fox’s Dishonesty

In a video released Wednesday night, expelled Fox News host Tucker Carlson made veiled allegations that his former network had operated dishonestly.

Tucker claimed in a 2-minute video on Twitter that America has become a one-party state, and that serious debates have almost disappeared.

He said that the left had given up on “persuasion”, and instead resorted “to force” in order to achieve its goals.

This was his first official statement since Fox News fired him on Monday.

Carlson did not mention Fox News, or his abrupt exit from the network. He said that honest people who tell the truth become powerful and those who spread falsehoods to silence them, become weak.

Carlson never accused Fox of spreading falsehoods, but his video came after SkyNews Australia’s, Fox’s sister station, broadcasted an editorial that was scathing and attacked him personally.

SkyNews’ anchor claimed that Carlson had been “sacked for essentially thinking he was larger than Fox News”, and accused him to spreading conspiracy theories.

Carlson never explained why he abruptly was fired. His last broadcast was the most-watched cable news show on Friday.

He started the video by saying, “Good evening.”

He said: “When you step out of the noise, you’ll see how many nice, decent, and kind people are here. People who care about the truth. And a lot of funny people too.”

It’s a majority, even today, which is heartening.

He also said that he noticed “how ridiculously stupid the majority of debates on TV are.” They are completely irrelevant. They are completely meaningless.

In five years we will not even remember having them. “I can tell you from experience that they are worth it.”

Carlson lamented the lack of debate on important topics such as war, civil rights, emerging science and demographic changes, corporate power.

When was the last debate you heard about these issues? He asked.

“It’s been a while.” In American media, such debates are prohibited.

Both political parties and their contributors have come to an agreement on what is in their best interest, and they are actively colluding to stop any discussion about it.

Carlson said that it had made the U.S. appear like a one-party state, which he added was “a depressing reality, but not permanent.”

“Our current orthodoxies will not last,” he continued. They’re brain-dead.

No one believes them. They do not improve anyone’s lives.

This moment is just too ridiculous to go on.

“The people who are in charge of the situation know this. That’s why they act hysterical, and even aggressive.

“They’re afraid. They’ve given up on persuasion and are resorting to violence.

But it won’t Work

When honest people speak the truth calmly, without any embarrassment or fear, they gain power.

“At the exact same time, those who try to silence them shrank. They get weaker. This is the law of the universe.

“True things will prevail.” Where are the Americans who still say truth?

There aren’t a lot of places left but there are a few and that is enough. “As long as you hear the words there is still hope.”

Carlson signed his signature with “See you Soon.”

Carlson’s Fox News show ended on Monday but he is still reportedly under contract.

Industry insiders speculate that the Fox agreement may prevent him from working at another media company and still being paid by Fox.

His agreement likely includes a non-disagreement clause that prohibits him from criticizing Fox News.

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