Welcome to the 1930’s Soviet Union. Where elected leaders arrest their political opponents!
4 times.
4 times now that Biden’s weaponized DOJ and their state allies have indicted President Trump.
And if you don’t help us stop Biden’s scorched earth policies, any citizen who dares speak out against Biden and the left could be next… even you.
Washington needs to see that you won’t stand for Biden’s weaponization of the DOJ. Show them that you won’t stand for Biden’s Weaponization of our DOC. Donate $25, $50, or $100 today and show them we mean business!
It doesn’t matter if you love or hate Trump. What Biden is doing persecuting his political rival is WRONG!
Let me repeat. WE. DON’T. DO. THAT. IN. AMERICA!
But Biden and the left continue their targeting of Trump and other conservatives.
They did it to Catholic Churches.
They did it to Pro-Life protestors.
They did it to parents at School Board Meetings
And they’ve done it to gun owners.
All because they know they can get away with it.
Until you show that you’ve had enough, Biden and the Left won’t stop persecuting Americans who oppose their wayward policies.
Tell them that you’ve had enough by donating $50, $100, or $250 today.
Too much is at stake for you to do nothing.
Help us Save America. Chip in any amount today!