We lost Ohio because of this, Hawley could be next

The Democrats may have just found a way to defeat Josh Hawley in his re-election. And with it, control of the U.S. Senate in 2024.

There is a push to put unrestricted abortions on the ballot in Missouri. As we saw in Ohio, this disproportionately turns out hard-core Left-leaning voters.

And just like Ohio, this abortion vote could put Josh Hawley’s election in jeopardy.

We need your help to TAKE ACTION to ensure that the Left doesn’t tip the scales in their favor. Will you help us ensure Josh Hawley wins re-election and the GOP takes back the Senate?

This is a fight that needs the immediate deployment of our action team into Missouri.

There are legal battles RIGHT NOW determining whether this abortion initiative makes it on the November ballot.

We can’t wait for November next year to help Josh win his race. The Democrats are playing dirty, and we’ve got to mobilize NOW if we’re going to ensure the GOP takes back the Senate.

If you want Josh Hawley to win, then you need to pony up at least $25 or more TODAY. We can’t stop this ballot measure without your support!

Hawley is a man who upholds his Constitutional duties no matter the pressure placed on him and that’s why the left wants him gone.

Imagine what Biden would do to our country if Senator Hawley wasn’t in the U.S. Senate.

That’s why it’s vital you step up and support Operation Josh Hawley TODAY!

I look forward to your immediate response.


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