Weekends in Palo Alto, Private School, Trips to Jamaica: A Look at Kamala Harris’s ‘Middle Class’ Childhood

Vice-President Kamala Harris has tried to present her background in the United States as “middle class” and even working class -boasting an internship at McDonald’s and boasting that she is from Oakland which is a blue-collar town with a significant black population.

In an interview Oprah Winfrey, Harris said, “I grew up a child of a mom who was very dedicated. She took care of both me and my sisters. And she saved for the future. When I reached the age of a teenager, she had enough money to purchase the house she wanted.”

On the 13th of September her post her thoughts on X, “Let me be certain That I will always place middle family and working class first. I know where I come from.”

In response to a question during the presidential debate whether Americans are better off than they were a year ago, she said, “I was raised a middle-class kid.”

A closer review of her childhood reveals the fact that Harris as well as her sister were blessed with a variety of opportunities that “middle class” children do not have, including living abroad, attending private schools and being raised in some of the richest areas of the world.

However, Harris has slammed her privilege in her career as a politician.

On August 31 the actress described herself as “a daughter of Oakland, California, who was raised by a working mother and had a summer job at McDonald’s.”

Although she was born in her home at Kaiser Hospital in Oakland, at the time she was a graduate student. parents were at Berkeley, California — an predominantly white, liberal elite enclave within Berkeley, which is in the San Francisco Bay Area home to UC Berkeley, one of the most prestigious worldwide public universities.

In reality, that’s the place where Kamala’s “working mother” — the daughter of an Indian diplomat — and her father sat as graduate students. Harris’s father said the fact that Kamala is “born” in Berkeley.

According to an New York Times report, Harris started “downplaying her Berkeley roots years ago when she first prepared to run for statewide office in California.” The report stated:

In the present, she describes herself using the vague term ‘daughter from Oakland”, a title that connects her to a city of working class that is less stigmatized and is in contrast to Trump. Trump’s preferred brand”San California liberal.’

The report also stated “She was indeed born in an Oakland hospital in 1964, but she did not settle in the city until she was in her 20s and working as a prosecutor in the county district attorney’s office.”

But Harris has tried to link herself to Oakland and Berkeley, writing in her memoirs that as when she was a kid she lived along “the boundary between Oakland and Berkeley.” But, The Oaklandside, a local news website, said “by no stretch of the imagination was her Bancroft apartment geographically close to the border; it’s directly west of downtown.”

Harris has also mentioned being transported into an elementary school located in North Berkeley as part of an integration program for racial minorities, in order to prove her disadvantages. But, she has not pointed out that she did attend private school prior to enrolling with the school busing programme.

Kamala’s early Childhood

Harris was born the 20th of October 20th, 1964. This was the time that Berkeley was a center of civil rights and antiwar protests.

Both of her parents were part of the black student-activist community called The Afro American Association, which was later to create The Black Panther Party, according to the Times.

At the time she was born, parents resided at 2531 Regent Street, only a couple of blocks away from UC Berkeley campus, according to the local news website The Berkeleyside. (That apartment was further away from to the “border” with Oakland than the one situated on Bancroft Way, which she lived at a later time). The family later moved to an apartment in 1945 Milvia Street which was also close to the university, but not close to the border with Oakland.

In 1966, when Harris was just two years old her age, her family relocated towards the middlewest. Following the announcement that her father had an offer to teach in the University of Illinois, they were settled in Urbana, Illinois, according to USA Today. The year 1967 saw them relocated in Evanston, Illinois, where her father was a professor in the department of Northwestern University. In 1968, they relocated in Madison, Wisconsin, where her father taught while her mother was a researcher in The University of Wisconsin. As her dad told her during the time between Illinois and Wisconsin the professor was also a professor in Cambridge University in the United Kingdom.

Harris’s parents divorced when they were living in Wisconsin at just 5 years old. Harris and her mother and sister relocated in Berkeley, California, where her mother was able to continue studies on cancer within UC Berkeley. Her father was at Madison until 1972, after which he began instructing the course at Yale University in Connecticut and later returning in California for a position in Stanford University. In both cases, Yale as well as Stanford are among the most prestigious private universities.

It was during this time when Harris’ mother moved in to the apartment building in yellow located at 1227 Bancroft Way that was prominently used in her campaign for the presidency. Although it was closer than Oakland than the residences her parents resided in however, it was not close to the boundaries with Oakland according to The Oaklandside reported.

The memoir of Harris describes the community as one that was a “close-knit neighborhood of working families who were focused on doing a good job, paying the bills and being there for one another.”

She would tell stories of the way the “single mother” struggled to take care of her and her younger sister, and relied on the assistance of her neighbors. Harris stated in a recent interview:

My mom, as you may know, was a tireless worker and a neighbor was a big help in raising us. We were accustomed to calling herI call her our second mom.

Harris generally doesn’t talk about the fact that their neighbor downstairs actually had a daycare center that Harris and her sister could attend after school -an option that many working mothers don’t have.

Harris was a student at a private school Prior to Being Bused

Also, it was during this period that Harris was transported to Thousand Oaks Elementary School in the more affluent North Berkeley area. In her memoir:

I learned in the future that I was a part of a nationwide experiment in the process of removing segregation, with black working class children from the flatlands shuttled one way while whiter, wealthier youngsters who came from Berkeley hills getting bussed in the other direction. At the time all I knew was that the large yellow bus was the only way I made it to school.

But, Harris was not like the other “working-class black children” in her community.

Before Harris participated in the busing program she was a kindergartener at a private institution called”the Berkwood School, according to The Berkeleyside. On the website of the school, it was reported that their tuition rate was $29,000 for the 2023-2024 school term.

It was also at this time Harris was receiving ballet instruction from a renown Russian ballerina whose name was Madame Bovie at her 1805 Grove Street studio in North Berkeley -that The Berkeleyside reported was only one mile from Harris’s mother’s house.

And, according the USA Today and The Berkeleyside, Harris and her sister were able to spend summers and weekends along with their dad in the nearby town located in Palo Alto — one of the most affluent and exclusive zip areas in America and dubbed”the “birthplace of Silicon Valley.” The city was also not particularly rich and diverse. It was home to just one percent black population.

Harris as well as her sibling would also make “frequent visits” to Jamaica in the country where their father was from a wealthy family of slave owners who were once a part of the community. They also took trips in Chennai, India, to visit the family of her mother.

Harris has downplayed the role that her father had in their childhood she wrote in her autobiography that her father “remained a part of our lives.” However she has made fun of the role that her mother played in her life in her memoir, writing that “it was my mother who was the primary source of our education. She was the one who was most responsible in creating the woman we’d become.”

According to reports, Harris’s mom – despite not being black, was consciously immersed her children into black culture.

Historical historian Charles Wollenberg told the San Francisco Gate that Harris’s mother “introduced the kids to their Indian family and heritage but primarily raised them as members of Berkeley’s highly politicized Black community,”

The Berkeleyside said that Harris’s mother would also take her children for a visit to Rainbow Sign, a black cultural center which will “help shape her political imagination.”

The Oaklandside published a report that Harris as well as her younger sister “enfolded into their parents’ community of intellectuals and activists,” in which she listened to them talk about literature and politics according to her own memoir.

The experience abruptly ended but it ended at a time when Harris was around 12 and her mom was offered an opportunity to teach for the Jewish General Hospital at McGill University in Canada, which is among the country’s most prestigious universities. They relocated from Montreal, Canada.

Harris lived in one of the Most upscale Neighborhoods in Montreal

Harris was a resident of Montreal, Harris lived in one of the most luxurious communities, which included homes valued at over 1 million dollars, as per exclusive reports by Breitbart News the Deputy Political Editor Emma Jo Morris. There was no racism at all in Montreal, Morris reported.

Harris spent the next approximately six years in Canada, first attending a French-language primary school called Notre-Dame-des-Neiges, which according to the school’s website, is in a “beautiful neighborhood.”

In the next phase, Harris would attend the alternative public school Fine Arts Core Elementary School close to McGill University. McGill University campus. Harris would then go on to be able to attend and complete her studies at Westmount High School. It is which is one of the best secondary schools for public students in Montreal.

It was just an year after they relocated to Montreal at the age of Harris was around 13 years older, that her mom bought her the first house back in Oakland.

Harris claims that her mother sat down her for “many years” for a down payment for the house Harris described in terms of “a one-level dark-gray house on a cul-de-sac, with a shingled roof.”

But what Harris has not stated is the fact that the property was within the hills surrounding Oakland near the golf course — one of the most affluent and most stunning areas in Oakland. The home, which has three bedrooms and two bathrooms is currently worth $914,881, as per an announcement on Redfin.

After completing Westmount High School in 1981, Harris then attended Vanier College in Canada which is likely to charge the higher international student tuition rate prior to enrolling at Howard University in Washington, DC in 1982.

When asked why she decided to attend Howard University, a historically black college, a long-time family friend, Derreck Johnson, told the New Yorker that Harris in her teenagers “fell in” with a group of people who also enrolled in historically African-American colleges.

“We all went to private school, we all were educated, we all were very much parented, but we knew kids that weren’t,” Johnson said to The New Yorker.

“The idea of the struggle was embedded in us from our mothers, who told their stories,” He told us.

Harris claims to work at McDonald’s by an Beach or State Park

At this point during the summer in between her sophomore and freshman years during her time at Howard in 1983 the year when Harris was rumored to have worked in the McDonald’s located in California.

Harris first made reference to the job rumored to be at McDonald’s during a rally for her campaign held in Las Vegas in 2019, at a time when she said that she was “trying to show an understanding of middle-class struggles,” according to the Associated Press.

Campaign staffers earlier this year said the purpose was to assist her in paying tuition for college However, they had to admit that the job was to earn “extra spending money,” according to Politico.

Harris hasn’t provided proof that she worked at McDonald’s However, her campaign has stated that she was employed at a McDonald’s situated in Alameda, California.

There are just two McDonald’s in Alameda One is situated near a beach, and another is close to an official park and an additional beach. The Harris campaign has not responded to a request from Breitbart News about which of the two she was employed at.

It’s also not clear the reason Harris is employed at the McDonald’s in Alameda the place where her mother’s house had been located at 3945 Turnley Avenue and there is close to McDonald’s located at 6300 E. 14th Street in Oakland.

Even though Harris was said to be working at McDonald’s to earn some extra spending money Her family did not seem to be in financial trouble.

At the time her father was an academic in Stanford University, her mother was an adjunct instructor of UC Berkeley, and her younger sister was at Bishop O’Dowd, a nearby school that was a private Catholic secondary school Bishop O’Dowd, where tuition for one year is $25,340.

After having graduated in 1986 from Howard University in 1986, Harris returned to California to pursue law school in UC Hastings in San Francisco which is one of the largest cities with the highest cost to reside in.

While at UC Hastings, she took part in the Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP) that helped pupils who come from “disadvantaged communities navigate the stringent demands of the first-year curriculum,” according to an Politico profile.

As both of her parents having professorships at America’s most prestigious universities, it’s unclear what she thought of as her self “disadvantaged.”

Harris completed her studies at UC Hastings in 1989, with a job offer lined up at the Alameda County deputy district attorney’s office. After passing an exam for bar on her second attempt, she started working as the Alameda County deputy district attorney when she was around 25 years old.

Harris will soon start her own tradition of purchasing properties in chic areas.

Harris Purchases Her First Condo with a view of Lake Merritt in Oakland

In 1993 in 1993, at the time Harris was about 29 years older, she bought an apartment with a single bedroom of 1,125 square feet in Oakland with a view of Lake Merritt for $116,000, according to the San Francisco Weekly Standard. The apartment had floor-to-ceiling windows as well as a back courtyard.

Also, it was around the same time Harris would begin to date one of the most powerful California State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown who was 60 years old. Harris would also became known as Harris “frequent companion,” according to an 1994 Los Angeles Times report.

Brown appointed Harris on May 24, 1994, to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, that then paid $97,088 a year. Then, in November of the same year Harris was appointed for the California Medical Assistance Commission, an appointment that was then paying $72,000 per year.

As per The New Yorker, Harris was paid around 400 thousand dollars over the course of five years. Brown would also gift Harris the gift of a BMW and an excursion to Paris and even take she to Academy Awards, according to the New York Post.

In 1998 she was able to sell her Oakland apartment for $152,000, within a couple of months after beginning her work at San Francisco at the district attorney’s office, as reported by The San Francisco Weekly Standard.

It’s unclear which city she was living in at the time, but in 2002 when she was running as the San Francisco district attorney, she purchased a two-level condominium in San Francisco’s fashionable South of Market (SOMA) neighborhood at a cost of $299,000, as per The San Francisco Weekly Standard. (A Wall Street Journal report states that she purchased the property at the time of her election in 2004, for $489,000.).

The apartment was close to the glamorous Moscone Center and which is the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art as well as, the Twitter headquarters.

In her run as district attorney she’d try to minimize the significance of her “aura of privilege,” according to The New Yorker. The outlet said:

In opposition to the image of privilege that was projected through her appearances in society tabloids, Harris established her campaign headquarters in Bayview Hunters Point an area that is devoid of any kind in San Francisco that was once an naval shipyard. “It’s the hood,” Amelia Ashley-Ward who is the publisher of the Sun-Reporter San Francisco’s oldest black newspaper, said to me. “Just above her offices there was public housing. And, of course, there was crime. However, she was in the neighborhood. She would stroll through the streets in the bars, liquor stores and chat with people.’

Harris has reported that the condo will be sold in 2021 for $860,000.

Harris Remodels into Million Dollar Condo in D.C. five Million Dollar Home in Los Angeles

In 2017, after Harris was elected senator U.S. senator, she bought a luxury apartment in the price of $1.775 million located in the exclusive West End neighborhood in Washington, DC, next to Georgetown which is one of the richest areas of the metropolis.

According to Architectural Digest, her condo was equipped with a heated rooftop pool pools, rooftop gardens with floor-to-ceiling windows and custom Italian cabinetry and spa baths with teak shower flooring. The concierge of the building runs routine errands for residents including grabbing prescriptions and coffee, in The Wall Street Journal.

Architectural Digest reported that Harris began her tenure as vice president, residing in three properties. She quickly ended two of them once she was inaugurated. The condo she sold was at West End for $1.85 million prior to moving into the official residence of the vice president in property of the U.S. Naval Observatory. Harris along with her husband Doug Emhoff, still reside in a mansion located situated in Brentwood, California, that is estimated to valued at $5 million.

Although Harris was raised living in Berkeley, Palo Alto, Canada, Jamaica, and India She has repeatedly claimed to be from Oakland.

In her memoir, The ironically titled Truths We Hold — she wrote about her run for representative of the freshman class of Howard University’s Liberal Arts Student Council at Howard University:

It was my first time running. The only opponent I’ve ever faced was as strong than Jersey girl Shelley Young, and that is a huge statement as a woman from Oakland.

The writer also mentioned how when she was California attorney general she removed her earrings in order to answer an email to Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, writing, “I took off my earrings (the Oakland in me) and picked up the receiver.”

The Times stated Harris’s references to Berkeley diminished because her political goals increased. The newspaper reported:

In 2008, right before she announced her campaign in the race for California attorney general she mentioned Berkeley was removed from the bio of her website for political parties that referred to her as a California native prior to changing it to ‘born in and grew up on Oakland’ and ‘raised in the East Bay’ and, at times she was ‘born from Oakland.’ (She has been a reference to Berkeley at least a couple of times in speeches throughout time to refer to her involvement in the Civil Rights movement, or her experiences with school transportation programs. ).

Harris might even announce her unsuccessful 2020 presidential campaign from Oakland.

“In the 2019 speech kicking off her first presidential run, Ms. Harris stood before a crowd of around 20,000 people in downtown Oakland,” the newspaper wrote. “Her first words to the crowd were”I am so happy to be a child from Oakland, California. ‘”

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