Worse than we imagined 5 years ago

Five years ago, we created Protect American Values for one mission – to stop Kamala Harris from becoming President.

Our efforts worked in 2020 as her policies were so dangerous, even the left rejected her bid to be President.

Now, here we are in 2024. Kamala is no less dangerous and no less disastrous for our country.

And it’s why once again we must fight to stop Kamala Harris from being the next President of the United States! Do your part today to stop Crazy Kamala!

4 years in the background hasn’t softened her radical policies.

This is the same Kamala who wanted to eliminate ICE, decriminalize illegal immigration, and give free health care to illegal aliens.

This is the same Kamala who promoted bailing out BLM rioters, one of whom killed someone after he was released!

And this is the same Kamala who stood side-by-side with Biden as he destroyed this country for the past four years.

You can’t for a moment think that defeating Kamala is a sure thing. That’s why we need you with us to stop Kamala this November!

Another four years of President Biden would have been a disaster. But a President Kamala Harris will spell the end of our country as we know it!

Do your part to stop Kamala Harris today!


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

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© 2025 - Protect American Values