You Won’t be Spared

Despite the various crisis and turmoil America’s are experiencing, Joe Biden and the left aren’t seeking to change their ways.

In fact, they’re doubling down.

No matter the problem, they just want to blame Donald Trump and the GOP.

These are facts. Democrats can’t spin them.

Even when they don’t have evidence to support their baseless claims, they just turn to their friends in the media and blame Trump. That’s how they plan to stay in power and win in 2024.

Help us fight back and fix our nation with your $25, $50, or even $100 donation TODAY!

In the more than two years since the left has controlled America, our nation has spiraled downward.

No matter the reason, they just want to blame Trump and the GOP. Why?

If you’re focused on something else, Biden and his family can hide their shady business dealings and avoid accountability while the left uses your hard earned tax dollars to fund their progressive programs.

Like Russia under Putin or its former communist leaders, and other totalitarian regimes throughout history, Biden will punish his political enemies before they and their allies can fully expose his crimes.

First, they blame Trump and the GOP.

Second, they call for witch hunts.

When that old game doesn’t work, they just move to Step #3—Indictment.

Join us and stand up to Biden! Donate TODAY and help us stop the left form destroying our country!

It’s stranger than fiction. The left is using Big Tech and weaponizing the FBI to censor, coerce and threaten anyone who questions their authority.

They’re also using the ATF to ban guns from law-abiding citizens.

The man in the Oval Office will use any resource to sideline his opponents.

The Constitution, the people and the public trust be damned.

Is this the kind of nation you want to live in?

Help us END the left’s tyranny!

Even the COVID-19 declassification bill Biden just signed protects his allies in China.

If you believe Joe Biden, his friends in China, the people entering our borders illegally and the violent criminals roaming are streets are a bigger threat to our nation than Donald Trump and members of the Republican Party, then you need to join us today.

Donate at least $50 TODAY and take a stand for the future of a free nation.

Americans who cling to the Constitution, their civil rights, their religion, their desire for to live in a free nation, or have the audacity to question the regime are all a threat to the left.

You won’t be spared because you didn’t fall in line. FIGHT BACK TODAY!


Paid for by Protect American Values, Inc.

Contributions to Protect American Values PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes and will be used in connection with federal elections. Contributions from federal contractors, national banks, and foreign nationals or entities are prohibited. Use of the and likeness of any candidate, officeholder, or other individual is for the purpose of this PAC’s political communication only and IN NO WAY indicates any authorization by, affiliation with, direction from, or endorsement by that person of any kind.  Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle.

© 2025 - Protect American Values